Sign electronically and save
All legally binding
How does it work?
Easily define your document models
Create the models for your documents with personalized fields, blocks and tables. Define the default signature types in each.
Choose an existing model, fill the data and send to collect signatures
Fill the document personalized fields and send it to everyone involved with a single click.
Wait for the signatures to be collected
Automatic reminders are sent by e-mail and/or SMS to all remaining signees, or until your own deadline expires.
Your document is safely stored
All documents are stored on the cloud, and everyone gets their copy.
Access the e-mail or signature link received
You will have access to the document through an exclusive link, received by e-mail or WhatsApp.
Read the document and click on "Sign"
Read the document and, if you agree to its terms, just click on the "Sign" button to reach the sign process.
Confirm your data and your signature
Fill or confirm your personal data, than choose how you want your confirmation to appear on the document, as a drawn signature or digital confirmation only.
Receive your signed copy
After signing you can download the document with your signature, and after all singees finish you will receive an e-mail with a link to access the complete document whenever you want.
Native integration with PowerCRM or with any system you want using our flexible API
Create your document models on PowerSign.
Create an integration Token on Power Sign and insert on PowerCRM or your favorite software.
Link your document fields with PowerCRM fields (or your favorite software's).
Send your documents to collect signatures with a single click.
Check the signatures status on PowerCRM (or your favorite software) whenever you want to.
Digitalize your documents
Paper signatures
Requires physical presence
Or reprinting / scanning / mailing
High costs with materials, time, transportation, printing..
Not safe
Storage problems / limitations / costs
Hard to find a document
Electronic signatures
Allows instant distance signing
Documents signed faster and only once
No printer / scanner / paper required
No risk of loosing or damaging a document
Digital and safe storage
Find any document quick, without wasting data-trigger-element-class
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